Shakespeare anniversary 2016: If Music be the Food of Love

After a break of a couple of years since our last performance together, myself and the actor Nigel Boyle, are happy once again to be performing with each other. And what better time to do it than in 2016, which sees the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. To commemorate this special occasion we are extremely pleased to be performing at this years Koblenz International Guitar Festival. Our concert takes place on Wednesday 11th May 2016, 12.30 p.m., in the Kurfürstliches Schloss Koblenz. Tickets… 

„If Music be the Food of Love“; is a unique project, bringing together the two art forms of theatre and music. It marries scenes from plays, poems and sonnets by William Shakespeare with Elizabethan music and song, predominantly from Shakespeare’s contemporary, John Dowland. The performance is conceived as a „play“, and divided into „acts“ dealing with themes of love, music, melancholy, war and death.

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The appeal and individuality of this performance is best summed up in the words of the Australian music journalist, Therese W. Saba, who wrote:

“Nigel Boyle performed scenes from Hamlet, Henry V, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare’s Sonnets, and changed from one dramatic character to the next before our eyes. It was a journey through all the experiences of life: the anger, the sorrow, the pain of love and the laughter. Russell Poyner is a unique performer, who is equally accomplished as a singer and as a classical guitarist. This is a rare talent in the classical music world because of the demands of both roles; Russell Poyner manages to divide himself into two and give sensitive interpretations on both his chosen instruments at the same time.”

Here’s a little taster, taken from a couple of live performances we did a few years ago in Birmingham, Hamburg and Koblenz.


2016 jährt sich der Todestag von William Shakespeare zum 400. Mal. Dies nimmt das Koblenz Guitar Festival in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Musikschule der Stadt Koblenz zum Anlass, den Gymnasien der Region folgendes Projekt anzubieten:

Mittwoch 11. Mai 2016, 12.30 Uhr, Kurfürstliches Schloss. Karten…

‚If Music be the Food of Love‘, eine Shakespeare-Performance mit dem Schauspieler Nigel Boyle und dem Gitarristen/Bariton Russell Poyner (beide England)

Die Faszination dieser Performance kommt am besten in einer Kritik der renommierten australischen Musikjournalisin Therese W. Saba (London) zum Ausdruck:

‚Nigel Boyle performed scenes from Hamlet, Henry V, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet and  Shakespeare’s Sonnets, and changed from one dramatic character to the next before our eyes. It was a journey through all the experiences of life: the anger, the sorrow, the pain of love and the laughter. Russell Poyner is a unique performer who is equally accomplished as a singer and as a classical guitarist. This is a rare talent in the classical music world because of the demands of both roles; Russell Poyner manages to divide himself into two and give sensitive interpretations on both his chosen instruments at the same time.‘